Press release -


THEY MAKE IT TO THE WORLD CUP FINAL IN SOUTH AFRICA BY SELLING BITS OF AN ONLINE PITCH (literally in French) is one of those crazy stories that can only happen during the World Cup. On June 1st 2010, 11 friends from France, also true football fans, bet they could, within 40 days, make their dream come true : be in South Africa for the World Cup final. Thanks to a very well promoted website, hard work and audacity, the group will send 2 of its members off on July 6th to see the final at Soccer City.

Here is more about the optimistic and dynamic squad, who despite their national team's dreadful display, still found it in them to celebrate this World cup.

40 days from the final of the World Cup

We are in Paris, on June 1st 2010. A group of friends, united by their love of football, set themselves the crazy goal of finding a way to be in Johannesburg on the day of the World Cup final: How? By selling pixels of a replicated online pitch (40€ per square) on their website. And was born.

Despite disappointing performances from the French team, our football fans keep the party mood alive with new ways to celebrate the World cup spirit.

Football flashmobs, the grasscouch during the games, photo shoots with stars, all contribute to keep the fun going and help spread contagious positive vibes around the event.

Wale, their captain, speaks out "of course we're sad for the French team, but we got to keep the party rolling, we still want to take part in it, that's the football spirit".

All content was made available to watch on their website, their blog, and social networking medias such as Facebook, Twitter, youtube, the buzz quickly got caught up in national media: TVs (LCI, Morandini !), radios (RTL, France Inter and NRJ ), newspapers (Ecran Total), but also websites (, MyTéléfoot,, La Tribune) and even in the The French football Association in South Africa

Thanks to fifteen or so sponsors, 2 members of the group will be flying off to Johannesburg as soon as July 6th and will be at Soccer City for the final. As spokesmen for the team, they will be promoting their positive and creative project to the supporters and journalists of the world.


WALE : +33 6 42 98 58 24 MARIA 33: + 6 14 80 91 03

CONTACTS FROM 07/07/2010 TO 21/07/2010

+ 278 23 96 16 37 - + 277 98 78 50 34 (outside working hours)

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